How Long After Plug-in Can I Add Foods in a New Fridge?

Right after plugin, in order to ensure normal operation and storage effect of the machine, you need to wait at least another 2 hours before putting food or drink inside. Why?

We all know the lubricant inside the pipes are fluid, and the lubricant on some parts will become too thin when the fridge stands still after a period of time. When started (plugin) again, the interior of the fridge is same as room temperature. And it needs to keep running till it reaches the required setting temperature (for example from 25 to 2 degrees). During this operation time, those parts with too little oil will wear rapidly. Finally it reduces the lifetime of the whole refrigerator.

So if we put food right after plugin, the fridge needs much longer operating time to reach the required temperature. This will put the fridge under too much pressure then cause the problems mentioned above.

The correct way is to leave the fridge running with nothing inside (non-load). After a number of short-time operations, the lubricant will redistribute evenly inside and the parts will get enough infiltration. After the inside temperature pulls down, you could fill your favorite food and drink inside the fridge by and by.

In short, by preventing long time operation, the fridge will be protected well (especially the compressor) and have a longer lifetime.